Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Carving!

It seems we have made this a tradition in our home to carve pumpkins for Halloween together!  As tradition would have it, it usually ends up being Emry and Jared carving while I watch!  Well I usually dig out the pumpkin seeds from all the guts with good intentions of roasting them, but it never seems to get further than separating them from the bowl!  Emry picked out a little pumpkin that she wanted to carve all on her own--can you believe it was more expensive than the big one I got for Jared to carve!  Jared started with the big one so Emry could see how to scrape all the innards out!  She would keep saying how disgusting it was, but truly you could see how much she was really enjoying it.  When it was her turn to clean her little pumpkin out she got right in there!

We all had a lot of fun designing different faces by drawing them out on paper before hand, but as usual they turned out to be pretty normal faces!  Calum liked the pumpkins until they had faces carved in them.  He would bring his little hands to his mouth and shake and say "Ahhhh!"  Sometimes it sounded fake, like he wasn't really scared, and other times his shaking was so real we could tell they really did frighten him!  The faces that Jared and Emry decided on weren't even scary, quite normal looking actually, even too happy for Halloween pumpkins!

We set them up on the counter when they were all finished and Calum is still a little cautious when he walks by them, he has to make sure he says "punkin" as he walks by!  But like most parents (I hope anyway that we are like most parents and not just mean parents!) we would keep shoving the pumpkins in his face to see his reaction, to see such a tough little man shake at something so not scary is really quite funny!


  1. HA! What a cutie, scared of the pumpkins. I think you are perfectly normal parents for teasing him. It sounds like something Jared and I would do. The pumpkins look cute and Emry looks so proud.
