Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Family Fun!!

The other night we watched "Tangled," I was able to take the kids to see it in the theatre just after Armin was born but Jared wasn't able to come with us.  When it came out on DVD last week I couldn't pass it up, and it was me who couldn't wait to watch it when I got it home!  Well I am happy to say that I resisted opening it until Jared could watch it with us!  Sunday night Emry and I made caramel popcorn while Calum went out with Daddy to check on the cows, and when the boys came in, I made super yummy chocolate milkshakes to go with our caramel popcorn and we all headed downstairs to watch "Tangled!"  We even got Grandma Puzey in on the family movie night and treats, good thing too or Emry and Calum would have had no where to sit!!

It was as cute as I remembered it being and even Jared liked it!  I am so happy our kids get to be so close to Grandma!  They absolutely love her and the example she is in their lives truly is a blessing for all of us!

I also want to include our family home evening last night!  Jared's truck broke down on the way to work yesterday morning so I had to go and rescue him and drive him the rest of the way to work.  Later that afternoon the kids and I piled into the van to go and pick daddy up!  We made it a fun little adventure, we had to get gas for the truck in case that was the problem (which it was!!  Jared is notorious for running out of fuel!  I wonder if it has something to do with the gauge not working?)  Emry came into the store with me to pay for the gas, and the man who helped us out was a Siek, after we paid and were walking back to the truck Emry asked me if that man was a wizard!  I found it so funny, the perspective little kids have and the innocence they carry with them, I often forget that they are learning everything that we are so familiar with or used to seeing that we act oblivious to those around us!  Anyway I told her to ask daddy!  When she asked him he answered her much better than I could, he told her that what he wore on his head was called a turban, and he wore it because of his religion.  He also explained that underneath his turban he had really long hair, and then wrapped it up into his turban, something I didn't know!  It was neat to be able to teach her something about another culture, something we don't get a lot of opportunity to do in a small town!  

So, when we got home that night the kids went wild on Jared, wrestling and tickling him!  It was so much fun to watch, even if it did get them riled up before bed!  Armin's face was priceless, he would watch the antics with even wider eyes than usual and a look on his face that said, what have I gotten myself into with this family?!  We have fun together and I am happy Jared is so involved with his kids, he always makes time for them even when he has a list of things that need to get done 1000 miles long!


  1. I absolutely love "Tangled"!! I bought it the day it came out and have watched it 2 times already. Four times total. Jared and I had a huge laugh about the "Wizard"! Kids are so funny sometimes.

  2. Really enjoy your blog Amber. So happy to see my sister in law with a smile on her face and enjoying her grandkids. I think of her often and wonder how she is coping without my sweet brother there. Your little family sound like they keep you smiling. Loved the wizard comment..Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Let's hope for some nice weather.
    Love, Aunt Sheila

  3. I love when you can pull a lesson out of your surroundings rather than have to think up something. I think the kids listen better then also because is it something they were thinking about.
