Sunday, July 24, 2011

20th Annual Airshow

Emry is a very inquisitive person and lately she has been asking me what airplanes look like up close!  Well, it just so happened that the airshow  was coming to Lethbridge the same week she started asking all these questions!  I mentioned to my dad that I wanted to take the kids and he said he would be in Nobleford that weekend working on his truck!  I told him what time we would pick him up without even asking him if he wanted to go with us!!!  As a kid my dad spent many summers going to airshows because my Grandpa was part of the Airforce, though he said the airshows were never as grand then as they are now!  We had a great time, dad took the kids into the big Hercules plane, the back end opens right up to haul tanks, supplies or soldiers.  They were in the line for about 45 minutes before they made it to the cock-pit.  Dad was worried about Calum freaking out stuffed inside that plane with all those people, but he did great and both him and Emry loved going into the cock pit to look at all the switches and dials and even looking out the window way up high!

We stayed to watch some of the flying shows too, we saw Zima Zima and the iconic Snowbirds!  An A-10 Fighter Jet flew right over us at one point making Emry cry because of how loud it was, her ears are so sensitive when it comes to loud noises, but it was really cool to see how fast it went.  The Snowbirds were neat to see too, the way they would fly at each other always looked like they were going to crash!  I remember going to the Airshow as a kid with my dad, so to go back again was such a great experience and brought back lots of fun memories!

Calum was afraid to sit in this little plane because of the Shriner man's hat!!

We kept telling the kids to look up at the planes in the sky not realizing why they were whining until Emry asked to use my sunglasses!  It was so bright their little eyes couldn't handle the light!

Zima Zima

The Snowbirds!
The best part of the day was spending it with my dad and seeing the look on Calum and Emry's faces as we looked at all the planes up close!  I think this appeased Emry's questions at least until something else piques her interest!

1 comment:

  1. YOU HAVE THE MOST INTERESTING BLOG AMBER. I love reading and seeing all the pictures.
    YOur little boy is a goodness he has grown so much.
    What a special day for your kids with their grandpa. Wish my brother was around to have those experiences with your kids too. lOve, Aunt Sheila
