Monday, August 8, 2011

Mutton Busting...

On Saturday I gave the kids the option of going swimming or going to a rodeo where they could ride a sheep!  At first Emry chose to go swimming but the more she thought about it she decided she wanted to ride a sheep!  She had done it a couple of years ago, but swore she would never do it again because she got dirt in her mouth when she fell off the sheep!  This year she said she was going to keep she mouth shut really tight!  The rodeo is held at a neighbours farm, Ron Reid, he is also the go to guy for anything related to selling or buying cattle!  When we got there I was totally disappointed to learn that Calum was not old enough to ride the sheep, he had to be four!  I was more disappointed than he was and I kept telling my mom to just take him because he looked much bigger than some of the kids who were doing it, but my mom being the kind hearted and completely honest person she is would not give in to my peer pressuring :)  It was a lot of fun watching the other kids do it, it was the first year Lily was allowed to do it and she ended up placing second in her age group!  As soon as she fell of her sheep she asked, "Where's my trophy?"

Emry and Gilbert each got a trophy but their's were the little ones for participation, and both were slightly perturbed that a little four year old beat them!  They all had a great time and cheered each other on!  Calum was able to participate in milking the bucket and I think he had a good time doing that!  Next year he will only be a month away from being four, maybe they will let him mutton bust then!

Singing O Canada while walking the perimeter of the corral!


Emry under her sheep!

Sheep Undecorating

I couldn't believe how dainty Emry milked her "cow"!

Where Calum belong's!

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