Sunday, January 15, 2012

Skiing With Dad

Jared and Emry went skiing yesterday...FINALLY!  They had intended to go January 2, but car issues had stopped them!

The story was...Jared had left his ski coat in the van, and the van was parked outside John Deer because I had hit a chuck of frozen mud before Christmas and dented the oil pan and did some damage to the axel's and pulley's?!  So that morning Jared drove up to Vulcan to get his coat when on the way home he hit a rock and actually made a hole in his oil pan and lost all the oil in his car!  I honestly didn't say, "I told you it was easy to do, especially when driving on the gravel!"  But did I ever want to say it since he gave me such a hard time for hitting the frozen chunk of mud!

So instead of skiing I went and picked Jared up and brought him home to a very disappointed little girl!  He made it up to her though by taking her to Vulcan to work on our van and then they played racquet ball together!

This past Wednesday Jared was finally able to get the new oil pan on his car, when I told Emry the next morning she excitedly said, "So now we can go skiing!!"

They had such a good time!  Emry took the camera that Grandpa Glen had given her for Christmas and on the way they had to take a picture of the windmills!  They didn't get any actual skiing pictures but from what I heard they had a blast.  Emry did want to go home at lunch and after Jared convinced her to give it one more try she literally did not want to leave when the hill closed!

The other pictures on her camera are just random photos she has taken since Christmas, she is quite the little photographer!

I snatched her camera and took a picture of her playing her guitar, another Christmas gift!  She loves learning new chords and is doing quite well!

I had a fun day with the boys yesterday too!  I made play dough for Calum, and then a robot helmet, and a tunnel from the hot water heater box that the plumber left after installing Myrna's new tank!  It was a nice day!

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