Monday, March 12, 2012

The Count Down is On!

Last week I spent a day moving kitchen things from the old house into our new house.  I put everything away where I thought would be most efficient!  I loved every minute of the unpacking, it truly felt like Christmas, and I had actually forgotten about some of the things we had in storage!  I even have one cupboard completely empty as well as one drawer, not including the empty pantry, which will fill up fast!  Today I spent the entire day cleaning our new house.  I tackled the windows and the floors.  It looks so much better and I thoroughly enjoyed cleaning it too!  Jared is out painting as I type this and he too is so excited to get moved in.  I think I can safely say that we will be in and settled before Emry's 8th birthday.  Which would be the perfect time to host a family dinner to celebrate her Baptism!!  This house has been almost four years in the making, but like my Dad said to me this morning when he stopped in for a visit, "Good things come to those who wait!"  I whole heartedly agree, Jared has done such a beautiful job creating our home, I am so proud of him!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you!!!! Did your plumber finish yet? That would be fun to have Emry's baptism celebration in your new house.
