Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Individual Pizza's!

Last night for supper each of the kids made their own pizza's!  They had a lot of fun too, and some interesting pizza's were made!  Leah doesn't like cheese on her pizza so it looked a little naked to me, she put tiny bits of ham and a few pineapple pieces on top of sauce.  Cora and Emry only wanted cheese, no sauce!  And Blake wanted a "little" bit of everything on his pizza!  Calum wanted "apple", which he means pineapple!  I made the dough and then made each kid a mini pizza of their own to decorate with their desired toppings.  I put their's in pie plates and it worked out perfectly.  For the adults I made a new kind, it had Peppercorn Ranch dressing for the sauce and then chicken breast with hickory barbecue sauce on top and then pineapple and cheese, I thought it was really yummy!  It reminded me of the potato skins at Boston Pizza.  It was a fun night with the kids again, they are all getting along so well.  They do have a break from each other today as Myrna took them home while she did her Weight Watcher's meeting's.  Tomorrow they will be back at it just as strong!  I was also able to have a nice quiet conversation with my dad who is in Texas.  Sometimes when we talk everyone turns chaotic.  But it was nice last night when all the kids were in bed.  I am so thankful for my dad!  He always offers to bring us whatever we "need" from the US, and since we have been able to buy Jared's chocolate syrup from Walmart here in Canada we haven't had to use Dad nearly as often!  I guess we should find something else we "need"!


  1. How fun! My kids love making their own pizzas too!

  2. it is nice that you updated your blog so I know what my kids are doing as I am away. Thanks for all your help. The Easter egg hunts looked great. I hope they are all being nice?!?
