Monday, January 14, 2013

Totally Unexpected

I have to take blood thinners because of this blood clotting disorder I have, Factor Five Leiden, and because of the type of blood thinner I have been on I have to have regular blood tests to monitor my INR levels. Well, throughout October and into November my INR levels were all over the place so finally I popped into the clinic to see if something else could be affecting these levels. I was totally not expecting what the result was...I was pregnant! It seems like our boys were both total surprises so why wouldn't this one be too! Calum came about because apparently birth control and antibiotics cancel each other out, and Armin came because my IUD had moved from where it needed to be to be effective! Anyway, this pregnancy did come as a surprise, but a welcome one...our only concern was that I was taking a type of blood thinner that can be very harmful to a baby. I did find out very early that I was pregnant and instantly I stopped taking my coumadin so the chances of hurting the baby in any way were very slim. I was still anxiously waiting for my ultra sound appointment to reassure me that this baby would be healthy. What I was not expecting was to not see a baby at all. It was super upsetting, something I don't think I could have handled on my own, I am so thankful Jared came with me to the ultra sound appointment. He is such a good man, full of so much love and concern! He knows just what to say to make me feel better and he always seems to know when I need a hug! I love him so much and I will forever be thankful for the man he is, and that I was lucky enough to find and marry him!

So needless to say that this year started out with some tears, I am so grateful for the three beautiful and healthy children we do have here with us! I love each of them more than I can put into words and I truly am thankful to be their mother, to love them unconditionally, to teach them to be the best they can be and to be here for them through the good and the bad!


  1. I'm sorry I will have to read slower next time. I hope you are doing well physically and emotionally are thinking of you. Sorry to hear about your lose.

  2. I'm sorry you and Jared went through this. Love you and your little family.
