Sunday, August 4, 2013

Boom, Boom, Boom!!

Last night we took the kids into Vulcan to see the fireworks for the 100th Celebration!  We got pj's on and blankets and loaded into the van just before 10.  We got to Vulcan and parked near the baseball diamonds and carried our loot over to the soccer field.  For quite a long time we were the only ones on the field.  We laid out our blankets and all five of us took a spot and laid there looking at the stars while we waited.  Jared pointed out some constellations to Emry who thoroughly enjoyed seeing them!  Calum desperately tried to stay awake!  He had fallen asleep on the drive up to Vulcan and was finding it hard to stay awake!  Finally at 11:00pm the first boom went off!  Capturing the attention of all!  Armin would say boom, boom after each blast, Calum just laid his head on my chest watching in awe and Emry would say the typical ooh and ahh when the sky became all lit up!  It was so much fun.

Before the fireworks started I just laid there in the dark night admiring the stars above with all my favourite people gathered around me.  It was a sort of magical moment, one of those "I can't believe I'm here and have all these amazing blessings" moments!!  It was spectacular!

Notice how only Armin's little thumb is in the picture!  He has just discovered he can do this and is now doing it all the time!

Half way through the show Calum fell fast asleep and not even the thunderous boom of the fireworks would wake him!  Actually, the way he fell asleep looked as though he tripped and passed out!  His face was smooshed into the grass and his arms down along his sides!

Everyone fast asleep on the way home!
On another note, Calum is always singing songs he hears on the radio.  Yesterday he started singing, "Don't be a Queen, just be a Drag!"  A Lady Gaga song!  I stifled a little laugh as he asked me what does that mean?  I wasn't quite sure how to explain it to him so I told him to ask daddy!  Very nonchalantly Jared answered by saying some boys like to dress up like girls and they are called drag queens!  That boy really is quite priceless, and the things that come out of his mouth are quite entertaining!  I love how when he opens a door he always says, "Ladies first!"  Or out of the blue after dinner he will say "Thank you for dinner mommy!"  Or when I ask him to do something, like clean up his toys, he says "No thank you mommy!"  I sure love that boy and I am thankful for his innocent little spirit!

Today at church, Sophie, who is right in between Calum and Armin in age, drew a picture and walked over to Armin to give it to him.  The rest of church was spent with the two of them passing pictures back and forth.  It was quite a cute scene to take in!  Armin would walk over to her but stop a few feet away and wait until she came over to him with another picture.  She would give hers to him and then he would give his to her!  They each had quite a stash of scribble pictures by the end of Sacrament meeting!  So heart warming witnessing the innocence between children, not one word was passed between the two of them and yet they were wanting to do something nice for each other.  It made me remember that even little things can make a difference in someone's life.


  1. I love that Jared just told Calum what a drag queen was - that is EXACTLY what Dad would have done!

  2. Good for Jared tell it like it is:) What i want to know is if Calum had any more questions after that?

  3. Char- all Calum said after Jared told him that is "that's weird!!" It was sooo funny!!
