Sunday, April 17, 2016

This Past Week

Our past week was fairly uneventful, but we did have some memorable points!! Jared noticed that a calf wasn't looking very good after he found it off by itself, actually across the road out of the field from his momma! So he and Emry walked them both into the barn where Jared milked the cow and then tubed the calf...put the milk right into his belly!! The next day he seemed to be much better, running when we got near him and even drinking from his mom!!! Finally Jared was able to save a calf, a huge feeling of satisfaction!!!!

I was able to sub at the kids school this past week in the office!!!! I loved every minute of it! I get to again next week too!! I love being able to see the kids as they went into gym or out for recess! I loved the spontaneous hugs from Calum when he came down to use the washroom, and the little flowers and drawing!!! It was a great week and I look forward to the upcoming week!!!

It was crazy hair day at school so Calum had me put pony tales in his hair to make him look like Rae from Star Wars The Force Awakens!!!! He looked pretty cute and crazy!!!

I had mentioned to Jared what I wanted to do in the front yard in regards to a flowerbed!!! He took my idea and made it even better by suggesting a rock border from rocks that had been picked from the fields!!!! So we got up and started doing it!!!! It came together perfectly and looks beautiful, I can't wait to get flowers in it!!!

Armin was able to go to see some baby Pygmy goats at a local farm with his Kindergarten class!!! They even got to hold baby triplet goats that were born only 6 hours before they got there!!!!! Pretty amazing!!! They also saw cats, chickens and a llama!!!! It was a gorgeous day and the kids had so much fun!!!!!!

So a pretty normal week in the Life of a Puzey, but a great one!!!!!!


  1. Haha Amber, I'm not sure your dad is hound to approve of this post. It still has cow stuff in it. :) His comments on FB always make me laugh. Your flower bed is going to be wonderful. Good luck.

  2. Wow fun filled week...your cow stuff was even manageable thanks so much for humoring me I love your blog posts:)
