Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Track and Field

Last Friday was a very busy day!!! It started out with the kids school talent show.  It was great and it didn't feel like we sat there for almost 2 hours.  The school has a lot of talent, from lip synching to dancing to tree climbing to juggling to playing the piano, it was amazing!!  Calum really wanted to do something but was too afraid to stand up in front of the school so when he heard you could submit a video he instantly knew what he wanted to do!  He wanted me to video him climbing a tree!!  He hasn't climbed many trees but one in particular he found to climb, at the Lion's Campground in Champion, he could climb rather high up!! I had a hoot filming it as he talked the entire time.  At the end of the video he gave a few pointers when climbing like always look for the loose branch and don't step on it!  He talked about how you had to use different angles too!! Quite funny!!  Emry didn't have anything to put in the talent show but she enjoyed watching her cousins and classmates!! Gilbert showed everyone how he could juggle, and he did an amazing job!  Leah and her friends danced to a medley of songs and were completely in sync, quite impressive!  Blake and his friend lip synced a rap song, something I think would be very hard to do but they were right on!  And Lily played the piano, Ode to Joy, and did a wonderful job!!!

Right after the talent show was the track meet, not Emry's favourite thing to do and when she found out I wasn't needed to take her group around she got quite teary :( she really wasn't feeling well, she had a sore throat and a stuffy nose so instead of making her sit out in the hot sun I took her home where she could rest!  I think she did get some much needed rest.  Taking her home made it easier for me to watch Calum compete during his events.  I didn't have to split myself in two!!  He did his best and had fun.  He isn't much of a runner, hopefully that will come as he gets older!!  During the 200m run he started to really lean forward so much so that he eventually fell right to the ground landing on his shoulder.  But he got right back up and finished the race!! I was so proud of him.  He got mostly third and fourth place ribbons with one second!  A job well done!!

It was a hot and windy, exhausting kind of day.  And when the boys and I got home we just kind of collapsed!!  We did have to get ready for the Year End Family Dance, but put that off until it was almost time to go!!  The boys had so much fun running around and dancing!! Armin sure has the moves and could care less who was watching him.  He had fun with his buddies and Jared and I even took him against his will around the gym doing the Butterfly dance!!  But he had fun with us despite his protests!!  Emry played basketball outside with Jared periodically throughout the night and had fun doing that, she did dance with a few of her friends but she still wasn't feeling 100%.  I even danced with Arren and Lily and as awkward as I felt it was fun to let loose and have fun!!  We even got Jared up to dance the YMCA with us!!!  It was a fun night after an already busy day!!  I love our little school and I am so thankful our kids can go to the same school Jared and I went to.  And we have been so blessed with the teaching staff we have right now, amazing teachers who truly care for their students.