Thursday, August 22, 2019

Spring 2019

A lot has happened this past spring. From a Cub Car Rally, to my 37th birthday, to calving, to a Galt Mueseum field trip...

Our Ward Primary held a Cub Car Rally for the 3 boys in Activity Days. It happened to be on my birthday. When I walked into the gym everyone broke into song singing me Happy Birthday!  It truly was special, I was really feeling loved.  The boys had fun racing their cars with the older kids in the ward who also made cars in years past.  Calum decided this year that he wanted to make the Batman symbol, getting the angles just right was a little difficult, but I think it turned out great.  And Armin made a traditional race car, very cool. 

Calving started shortly after, and then we were into it full force.  Such a busy time of year, but so rewarding and renewing after a long winter. 

Then Jared had a tough day at the office!!!!  He was able to take the boat out to do shoreline inspections and the water was like glass.  A beautiful warm spring day.

Armin’s Grade 1/2 class took a trip to Lethbridge for a field trip to the Galt Museum, it was a great day and lots of learning was had by all.  Though Armin did admit that parts were really boring.  A boy after my own heart, I too, find museums a little boring!!!