Tuesday, March 29, 2016


We had such a nice, laid back Easter weekend. We had a yummy big breakfast Saturday morning with everyone's favourites....sausage for Calum, whipped cream for Armin and hash browns for Emry!!! Calum blessed the food and asked that the Easter bunny be safe and that he would be able to find our house!!!! We talked about the true meaning of Easter while we ate and what the atonement means to us!!!!  Because Emry, Myrna and I would be going into the church to watch the Women's Braodcast we had an early dinner...barbecue hamburgers!!!!! Sooooooo yummy!!!!! Jared hand shaped the patties and barbecued them.  I got all the fixings together and we made up our best version of the ideal burger!!!! Jared is really into goat cheese on burgers so he and Myrna had those, I really like haavarti cheese!!!! Despite our differences in taste we all really enjoyed our homemade burgers!!!!!

The women's broadcast was so good, very much about service and what we can do to serve others!!! I liked how it was said that a simple smile or hello in passing is service to others. One of my favourite speakers spoke to us, President Eyring. I just love listening to him, he's such a man of inspiration. 

Sunday was a beautiful sacrament meeting, the talks focused on the atonement and resurrection of our saviour.  We came home and Jared barbecued steaks. Again, such a yummy meal.  We watched a movie and just enjoyed being in each other's company!!!

Monday we spent the afternoon with my mom and my sisters family. The kids had a great time riding the quads, taking pictures for a scavenger hunt and building forts in the trees!!! The adults had fun visiting and lots of laughs were had!!!! The meal again was yummy!! I had made a vanilla and brownie layered cake and it was super yummy!!!!!

I am thankful for the sacrifice our Savior made for each of us.  The atonement is something I cannot fully comprehend, but I like how my sister in law wrote about it in her blog....she said "The sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for me is truly awing.  I know the mistakes I make and that I put him through that pain is distressing to me.  But because of Him I can try again, and be a better person tomorrow.  This is always a humbling thought to me, I love my Saviour very much." I feel the same way, I just didn't know how to put it into words. Without the Savior in my life I truly would be so lost. I just want others to know the joy the gospel brings to my life, I want them to feel the peace I feel when life gets overwhelming. I want them to know that there is always hope even in the darkest times. And this is all because of the Atonement.


  1. Did Emry get kicked off of the kids table? :)

  2. Looked like a wonderful Easter! Your cake looks very yummy.
