Sunday, August 10, 2014

Reuniting With an Old Friend

The kids and I had a great day visiting with old friends!!! We headed up to Okotoks to spend an afternoon at the beach with the Stasiuks!!! Warren and Tanya moved from Champion to Okotoks 2 years ago and we have only gotten together one other time since!  The main reason for going to see Tanya was to pick up a shelf I bought from her but I can't tell Jared that ;) Tanya has started her own little furniture restoration called Sweet Repeats Furniture!!! The stuff she does is amazing and totally my style!!! So she said if we were coming up anyway to get the shelf we might as well stay and go to their community beach!! The kids had a blast and it was neat to see them reconnect with long lost friends!

Emry and Hudson, who are the same age, did better than they ever have!! Their very first meeting involved teeth marks and tears!!! Tanya and were reminiscing about that first day, yet we were thankful this meeting did NOT involve teeth marks or tears!!!! It was so much fun visiting with her, it's like we haven't been apart for two years!! 

Armin played with his tractors in the sand, Calum swam to the dock with Lincoln, and Emry just hung out with everyone, Marley, Landry and Hudson!!! When it was time to go I had a really tough time getting our kids out of the water!! But we left with the promise that we would be back again much sooner!! In fact, in the next couple of weeks since I bought a cabinet Tanya redid!!! 

When we got home I had to help Jared finish up with the baling! I raked while he baled!! A storm started brewing and we cut it very close but we were able to get it all finished!! On my back to the house the sunset was absolutely gorgeous and since I had my camera handy I couldn't resist taking some pictures!!

Best pals, Fender and Gibson!!!!!


  1. What a fun afternoon for you and the kids! You'll have to take some pictures of your new furniture for us all to see. Gorgeous shots of the sunset.

  2. How fun. Glad you got to reconnect. Looks like a great lake. Beautiful sunset picture with the barn.

  3. Loved the big pictures of your fun day Amber. Also would love to see the new furniture. Loved the sunset shots, and especially the one with the old barn in it. Brought back many memories for me. We played as kids in the top of the barn. Dad had a swing up there and we would swing and jump into the huge pile of hay that was there. Even thought it looks like it is falling apart, it was still nice to see it.
