Sunday, February 16, 2020

Coming Home

After being away for 18 months, Myrna finally came home! She was serving a mission for our church in Montreal!!! And she loved every minute of it!  Though we missed her so much we were so proud of the decision she made to go and serve!  She was able to have many wonderful experiences with her job as part of the mission office staff! She was even able to serve as the mission nurse for a bit and had many special experiences with the young missionaries!  Montreal was a beautiful city and she was able to explore and experience much of the vast cultures there! We have loved hearing all the stories she has told of the her Ward and the people there, the missionaries, the senior couple missionaries, the mission President and his wife, the apartment inspections and so many more!  We are especially happy she is home and able to do stuff with us again!  We know she needed to be in Montreal but we sure missed her!  We were able to meet her at the airport, the whole family was there and we made quite the scene.  All lined up to greet her, we were only missing Cora as she is serving her own mission in England! But we gained little Alora!!  


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