Friday, July 29, 2011

A Good Day

My dad had offered a while ago that he would like to come down one day and do some work on our house to help Jared out.  Well, I took him up on the offer and asked if he would like to help me clean up all the scrap wood and other odds and ends around our house so we can get the landscaper in to level out our yard?  The day started out at the perfect temperature and slightly overcast so it wasn't too hot, there was also a nice breeze.  To help make the work go a lot smoother my mom came over to watch the kids, plus she had my sister's kids, so that means she had five little ones under the age of seven...despite all the bruises on my arms and legs from all the heavy lifting I am thankful I was outside!  Actually when all the kids get together they usually entertain each other and manage to have a good time.  My dad and I worked straight for four hours loading up scrap wood onto the grain truck to take to the dump and then we pulled the Big 10 over to the pile of siding and loaded it all onto the truck!  Wow, was it ever a heavy load, we probably should have pumped up the two driver's side tires because by the time all the siding was loaded onto the truck the back bumper was sitting on the ground!  When we finally stopped for a quick lunch we were pretty much done, I did keep suggesting that we should go in for a break but my dad kept saying let's just get this pile done...I know why he kept saying that, because we probably wouldn't have gone back out to finish.  The cement board siding is quite heavy and awkward to lift so we were only able to take two lengths at a time, it took us a good hour.  Despite the overloaded truck, the tractor getting stuck in gear, all my bruises (I think I will stay away from the doctor for awhile in case they ask questions about all my bruises!!), and my extremely sore back (my dad did keep telling to lift with my legs, I thought I was!), we got it all cleaned up and ready for the landscaping guy to come and work his magic!  I had such a fun time working with my dad, I don't think I have ever had the opportunity to work with him in this way, I know it helped Jared immensely, now he can focus on the bigger jobs, like siding our house!  As soon as he gets the grass seeded for the cows I think he intends on committing his "free" time to working on our house!

Last night I also had the opportunity to help Jared with some jobs around the farm!  Myrna is going to have the rest of her roof shingled next week so Jared and I loaded all the shingles onto the roof...well Jared loaded them onto the roof while I positioned the bundles better on the tractor bucket for him to pick up easier!  After all the heavy lifting with my dad the day before my muscles just wouldn't pick those shingle bundles up!  We also put house wrap on the north side of Myrna's house (last night was the third time house wrap has been put on that part of the house!!) because some ward members offered to put the siding on for Jared because they knew just how much he has on his plate right now!  I am so thankful for family, friends and neighbors.  Sometimes we do need a little extra help, and it is so comforting to know that there are so many people out there who are willing to give of their time, which in this day and age is truly a sacrifice!

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