Friday, November 16, 2012

Student Led Parent, Teacher Conference

Last night Emry and I headed into the school for parent teacher interviews! They have implemented something a little different...this year we met with the teacher before report cards are given out! I was a little concerned about this method but after doing it I feel that it was a great idea! Emry was a little quiet, but she did show me what she has been working on...and although I wasn't surprised at how neat her printing is I was still impressed with the care she takes in her work! Her teacher said she was a joy to have in his class, he said he loves seeing her happy and smiling face each day, and even though she is quiet she always answers his questions when she's asked! I couldn't believe she was so quiet at school but it made me happy that she isn't a nosey Nellie or a bully to others! I am proud of her and I hope we are teaching her all the qualities she needs to possess to be a good friend and a good student! It is a little unnerving to send them off for 8 hours a day not really knowing if what you have taught is being practiced! I feel better after last night knowing Emry is being the best she possibly can be and is working hard each day to do even better! There are no concerns with her ability to learn and understand, she is in the middle of her grade level exactly where she should be...not below so she's lost and not above so she's bored!!!

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