Last week Jared and I both took the entire week off to spend with our kids! It was a great week! I had to work the Saturday before our week off officially started but Jared got right into holiday mode and took the kids to the Vulcan Centennial Parade. They had a good time and said it was a really good parade, over an hour long! On Monday we loaded up the van, hooked onto the boat and headed to Little Bow to camp for a couple of nights! We haven't been camping since before Calum was born so this was the first time for both Calum and Armin, and they seemed to absolutely love it! We set up camp while the boys declared a little group of trees just behind our campsite as their fort! They had fun collecting sticks and making them their weapons! Boys!!
The kids played so good together, they rode their bikes, played cars, and bocci ball! We roasted marshmallows and had smores.
I think Emry put her swimming suit on in her sleep, she was in it as soon as she woke up! |

We spent all afternoon Tuesday on the lake tubing and swimming! We found a nice beach while on the boat and docked there for a few hours while the kids played in the sand. Calum wasn't a huge fan of the boat, he said he felt like it was going to tip! Neither he or Emry liked the tubes either! They cried the entire time Jared pulled them! Jared decided to try and take Armin in the tube with him while I drove the boat. Well, I didn't go fast enough to get the tube out of the water and ended up just dragging the tube to the point where Jared just couldn't hold on anymore. He and Armin toppled over the back and under they went! Armin was not impressed! Jared finally convinced Emry to give the tube another try, and promised that he would be in the other tube holding onto hers. I went nice and slow and they had a blast! While I drove Calum stayed huddled between the passenger seat and the dash, terrified!

It ended up raining Tuesday night, but didn't start until after 9:00, so it actually was very welcoming since the kids needed to go to bed! The next morning was clear and beautiful! Jared and I packed up while Emry and Calum sought out the friends they made while there and played. Armin would follow Calum but stop at the edge of the other campsite just watching. Jared and I would check on him to make sure he didn't get too far. The next time we looked he was gone so I went looking while Jared climbed on his bicycle to look for him. We didn't think he could really get that far but boy were we wrong! He made it all the way to the flush bathrooms near the entrance of the camp. I noticed a little boy walking with a lady and her dog and didn't recognize him at first, he was still so far away! When I got closer the lady said she recognized him as the little curly headed boy near her campsite and thought he was pretty far away to be all by himself, so she walked back toward home with him! He didn't have a care in the world as he took off by himself, he seems to be familiar with taking off on his own! Little stinker gave us quite the scare!
After getting all packed up we headed to the day use beach and hung out there until late afternoon! The kids had a blast swimming with their new found friends and building sand castles! Calum swam all the way out to the dock by himself and had fun with the big kids pushing each other off! Even though we were so close to home, it still felt like we were away!
Emry jumping off the dock into the water! |
Armin wandering away again!! |
Thursday we spent the day unpacking, doing laundry and just hanging out! We did go out for Chinese Food for supper, which was yummy! Friday, Jared finished cutting the barley for the cows green feed and then we all headed to Lethbridge to go see Despicable Me 2! It was really cute and the kids seemed to really enjoy it! We had supper at Costco and headed home! It was a fun day too! Saturday Jared took Emry golfing and she had an absolute blast! The boys and I went to Vulcan to return all our pop cans and milk jugs. Later that afternoon Jared and I went out with my sister and brother in law! Our neighbour, Christie, babysat the kids, and they were so excited! So excited in fact that Emry and Armin were still up when we got home at 11:00!! They love Christie to pieces, I'm thankful she lives only half a mile down the road!
We had a great week off, I was happy we did so much as a family and except for the little bit of cutting Jared did he didn't think of work at all! The weather was perfect, and the company even better! What more could I ask for! A great break indeed!