Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Upside Down Cow

We have heifers at home that we need to take to my brother in laws to be bred with his heifer bull. Last night Jared and I separated the ones that needed to be treated for pink eye from the rest of the herd with the intention of running them through tonight. After supper Jared headed out to treat the five heifers before loading them all up and taking them to greener pastures!! I asked if he needed my help and he said he was sure he could handle the few that were there but would need my help loading all of them up. So I went about cleaning up after supper when I was pleasantly interrupted by the ringing of the phone! My sister called to visit, after about twenty minutes of chit chatting she asked if her husband had gotten to our house yet? I wasn't even aware he was coming over and she filled me in! Jared had called Buck in a bit of a panic because he had a cow flip over upside down in the narrow alley leading up to the squeeze. I went out shortly after to see how things were going.

Jared explained what happened to me:

One of the heifers had jumped up while in the alley and hooked her front legs over the top, she was resting on her arm pits (if cows in fact have arm pits!). Jared was tapping her on the head to try and get her to go back down while also lifting her legs back the other way. She somehow ended up moving the bottom half of her body turning the top half the other direction! As she was lowering herself back down into the alley, facing the wrong way, the cow who was behind her spooked and charged forward flipping the heifer facing her upside down!

To get her out Jared and Buck got the front end loader, but first had to put the bale forks back on, and headed over to the squeeze, where they slung a chain around the upside down cows neck and slowly started to lift her out. If a cow is left on her back for too long she will bloat, miraculously they got her out and gently lowered her toward the ground and when her feet were touching the ground they unchained her and off she walked!!

Her back is a little skinned but other than that she is a-okay!!! Quite the excitement on the Puzey Farm yet again!!

1 comment:

  1. In all my life of farming cows I have never heard of that happening. Weird!! Glad Jared got it sorted, but you know he always will:)
