Saturday, August 24, 2013

Back to School Fun!

Today the kids and I went into Lethbridge to get the few things they would need for school! We had gone through all Emry's clothes and last year's school supplies and decided she didn't need much! We replenished pencil crayons and erasers and got one new binder. But she is happy to use her old lunch kit and back pack since they are still in good shape! She decided she would like a new jean jacket and some zip up boots and a skirt! Which we found for a steal of a deal! Since Calum is starting Kindergarten (insert look of complete shock-seriously where did the last five years go?!!) we decided he needed a couple new things too! He got a pair of athletic pants and a superman t-shirt as well as a batman t-shirt, and a pair of runners. The kids were great and seemed to have lots of fun picking out some new clothes!

After clothes shopping we went over to the hospital to visit my grandpa. My Grandma was there too so we had a nice visit!  My Auntie Di took the kids down to the cafeteria to get a drink, so I really had a good visit! They are good people and I have really learned a lot from them! It truly is wonderful to have the example and influence from family in our lives!

After the visit at the hospital the kids and I went to see Smurfs 2! The parts I saw if it were good, and Emry said it was sooooo awesome!!  Armin lasted for three quarters of an hour and then he and I spent the rest if the time walking around the lobby!!

Then it was time to come home! We had a fun day. I am proud if my kids and thankful for the joy they bring to my life! Though there are moments of chaos, I still really do love them and my life just wouldn't be complete without them! I will miss them while they are at school but I am thankful they have the opportunity to learn and to grow.  Time goes by too quickly!