Sunday, January 18, 2015

I Want This Week to be Over.....

I have a fairly busy week coming up that I am not really excited about :( Monday I work at the pharmacy and right after work I have a Rainbow Literacy Board Meeting. Tuesday I work at the kindergarten and after Emry has piano and curling!!! Wednesday I am subbing in Nobleford for their secretary. Thursday I am working at the kindergarten and after I have to teach how to make two soups for a Relief Society Activity and then I have to be in Calgary to help volunteer for the kindergarten casino, my shift is from 10:30pm until close, which is usually around 3:30am.... I have said in the past that I don't do casino's because I don't agree with using them to fund our programs... But the committee was in desperate need and since I'm the president of the board I felt obligated :( .... Then Friday I am working again at the pharmacy while one of the other ladies is in Maui!!!! Saturday will be a much needed reprieve!!!!! 

If I survive there will be another more upbeat post to follow!! Until then.......


  1. Good luck! I hope everyone goes well.

  2. I hate weeks like that. I have to remind myself that everything I am doing was my own choice. Good luck. It will go quickly. The roads are supposed to be good at least:)
