Thursday, August 20, 2015

Trail Ride With Grandpa

Gilbert, Emry and Lily went on another trail ride with Grandpa Glen this summer! I'd like to say it was the second annual trail ride but it may in fact have been the last!!  

The day started out early with the kids riding with Buck and Arren to Calgary where they met up with Grandpa.  From Calgary they headed out to Bragg Creek where they were paired up with the best trail horses around...or so they thought!!!!

It was a gorgeous, hot August afternoon, perfect for a ride through the trees!! The horses were matched to the kids size and ability and off they went!! The horses this year seemed a little flighty compared to the horses last year!  While on the trail Emry's horse got spooked by a deer and took off with her on top! This made for a very unstable ride causing Emry to fall to the ground.  Lilly's horse was right behind Emry's which meant her horse had to step over Emry, and as the horse went over a hoof caught Emry in the head.  She was bruised up pretty good with a scrape down the the length of her arm, but other than that all was okay.  Thank goodness she was wearing a helmet!! Dad said it was the scariest thing and worst feeling in the world watching his granddaughter be thrown from her horse and trampled by another.  He said it was bad enough that he doesn't want to chance anything like that happening again! 

Despite the excitement, Emry got back on her horse and rode it the rest of the way back to the stables.  It scared her enough that she no longer wants a horse of her own but hopefully not enough to not ever want to ride again.

I do like how my dad takes the kids on these adventures, it teaches them so much and creates a special bond with him!! 


  1. Awesome thanks Am living the nightmare all over again! On the bright side Emry is a real country girl she really didn't go all girly after her fall.Thanks to you and Arren for letting me take your kids in these crazy adventures! I'll email you a link to a skydiving place I heard about:)
