Thursday, November 19, 2015

Annual Cattle Drive

This year our annual cattle drive went much smoother than last year!!  The cows were eager for a change in pasture so they followed the tractor out of the field with no problems!!  Dave drove the tractor, and to start, Emry, Armin and Jared were on the quad while Calum and I drove Dave's Tahoe.  Keeping the cows together in one big group wasn't too difficult.  Jared jumped off the quad and walked while Emry and I worked both sides of the group with the quad and truck.  Once we got closer to where the cows had to make a turn down the road for home I got a little anxious, I wasn't sure if the group as a whole would follow the tractor or if some more curious ones would spot the huge pile of grain and veer off!  Luckily at the exact right time Myrna came driving down the road and inconspicuously parked in an approach.  After the tractor turned down the road she inched her car forward onto the road and parked so the cows would have to turn!!  She eased my anxiety immensely!!!  It was like she was a natural!!!

Eventually all the kids climbed back onto the quad with Jared, I so wish I had a picture of that!! All four of them lined up on the quad was quite the sight to see!!!

As the cows got closer to where the gate was for the field we wanted them to go into they started passing the tractor and seemed to know exactly where to go!  The entire trip from the sand to home took just over an hour, and it wasn't even too cold!!  I do love having the cows home, I love seeing them through my kitchen window as I prepare supper, or as I walk through the living room! It completes the living on the farm experience for me!!


  1. The Puzey Roundup! :)

  2. It's great to see another Puzey roundup. I'm Rudy Puzey and we just gathered 400 head out of the snow covered mountains of Idaho. Our family lives in Rigby, Idaho where most of my children and ten grandchildren live. After teaching 25 Years at BYU-Idaho me and my wife LeeAnn work on a cattle ranch in Kilgore, Idaho

    1. How interesting!!!! Thanks for the comment!!! It's nice to know there are more Puzey's out there!!!
