Saturday, April 23, 2016

A Busy Week

Wow!!!! These last two weeks have been busy for me!!!! And the next week is even busier!!! But it's been a good busy, a busy I'm extremely grateful for!!! I was able to fill in at the kids school in the office!! I loved every minute of it and was quite sad when my hours for the day were up :( it was a great experience. I loved getting spontaneous hugs through the day from Calum, and dandelions from Armin and waves from Emry as she passed by the office!!! I love our principle...she is one amazing woman!! Interested in what ALL kids have to say when they stop her in the hall, and genuinely concerned for them individually. Nothing gets past her either, she's on top of everything in her own unique way....nothing and no one gets missed!!!! The rest of the staff is unbelievable too, the atmosphere at the school is one of caring, integrity and love equally for all, problem child or grade A was such a wonderful experience!!!!

While filling in at the school a job was posted in the paper for a temporary office administration position at Rainbow Literacy.  Jared and I talked about me applying for it and then the chair of the executive board for Rainbow also emailed me the posting...she gave me the extra push I needed to apply. So last Saturday I emailed my resume and not 5 minutes after pushing the send button I got called for an interview!!!!  I was rather stunned!  My interview went okay, I was nervous as one often is during interviews!! But I knew all the ladies on the interview panel and I'm very familiar with Rainbow Literacy and the programs they offer and their purpose in our community. I really had nothing to fear. I did have a knot in my stomach when the interview was over knowing 9 others before me were interviewed, I was sure I was out of the running...I was told I'd know either way Friday morning...two whole days away!! Thursday afternoon I got a call from the Director and she said she was very excited to offer me the job if I'm still interested....STILL interested? I was thrilled!!! My exact answer was "oh yay!!! I'm so excited!!" We talked a bit more and she told me I'd be starting Monday!!!! The position is a part time temporary position while their secretary is on maternity leave, three days a week and I can choose the days that work best around our kids schedule!!!! The experience I will gain through this position is exactly what I've wanted since I graduated college 14 years ago!!!!! 

So this upcoming week will again be busy, I'll be starting at Rainbow Monday, Wednesday and Friday and filling in at the school again on Tuesday and Thursday!!!! But it will be a good busy, one I'm excited for!! 

The boys start baseball on Wednesday and Emry starts band rehearsal that day too...she is going to be playing her daddy's trumpet!!! She was so excited, just about as excited as Jared!!!! When she told him he gave her a big hug!!! 

Calum and Emry also start golf next week, and both have their season pass badge to hang on their golf bag!!! They were as pleased as punch to show me their badges!!! 

Calving is in full swing and is going pretty smoothly, we've had issues with a couple of calves who are more than three days old. One died and the other isn't doing great :( so it's keeping Dave and Jared on their toes more than usual. 

We have the best dog...Fender!!! He can't come out and check or feed cows with us while we are calving because he loves to bark at the cows and it riles them up. We have a rope attached to the front of our house to tie him up to.  Before anyone goes out to the cows we call Fender and he automatically jumps onto the deck and sits at the corner waiting to be tied up.  I think he is actually waiting for a tummy rub or head scratch!!!

Life is good, and I couldn't be more grateful for what is has to offer!!! 


  1. I couldn't be more happy that you're happy!

  2. Congratulations on your new job Amber. That sounds very exciting for you. Is it in Champion or do you have to drive to another center? Yes, your life is busy but a good kind of busy.

    1. Aunt Sheila, I'll just be driving in Vulcan three days a week!!!! Perfect for our growing little family, and I'm off when they are off!!!!!

  3. Congrats! Hope your boys enjoy baseball.
