Monday, September 12, 2016

Our Weekend

This weekend we didn't do much but what we did do was lots of fun!!! Friday Dave raked but it wasn't quite ready to bale so Jared kinda had an evening off!! I convinced him we should go into Vulcan to watch the outdoor movie the Rec department was going to be showing! We put on some cozy warm clothes and headed in!!!!  The movie showing was Back to the Future! It was so much fun and such a neat experience, Jared and Emry both saw shooting stars!!

Saturday Emry had a birthday party to go to and Jared finished up baling and hauling bales home. Jared and I seriously debated going out that night on a date but instead we took a trip to the dump with the kids and then headed to Arren's to pick up Emrys magazine sales. When we got there we were surprised to see my dads big truck there so we thought we better all go in to say hi!!

We visited for a bit and then when we were about to go Arren invited us to stay for supper, we weren't going to but she insisted by setting extra places at the table!!! So we were treated to a super yummy meal! We got home in time for baths and bed!!!

Sunday we were asked to sing in church as a family!!! I actually thought we did a really good job and I was so proud of our kids!!! We sang "Teach Me to Walk in the Light", one of my favorites!!  Since it was grandparents day we asked Myrna if she'd like to have dinner with us and since she's still laid up we decided to bring dinner to her!!! We had pork chops and gravy with potatoes from our garden and chocolate cake for dessert!  We played a game of Clue which Emry fluked out and won!!! It was a fun afternoon, nice and relaxing!!!!!

So that's our weekend in a nut shell!!! I love just being with my family without having to go out somewhere far and spend money!!!!