Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Our Cat

I was going through the pictures on my phone and have come to the realization that we have a very spoiled cat!!

All the kids love him to pieces and Jared too!! If you ever want to hear Jared talk cutesy to something listen to him talk to our cat!!  Usually Marshmallow curls up with Jared on what we've dubbed their favourite chair. But the positions he can put himself in are very mind boggling! There is also a fight most nights on who gets to sleep with Marsh.  Funny enough he usually ends up sleeping with Jared and I, curled up between my legs, making it very uncomfortable to sleep!

But without this cat in our lives our home would not be the same!!  I feel it gives our kids a sense of responsibility when it comes to caring for Marshmallow.  Now that is getting nicer outside we find our kitty is out exploring more and playing like he really is a cat!!  None of this sleeping all day and all night anymore.  We sure love our cat and couldn't imagine life without him!

1 comment:

  1. Cute picture! That's one lucky cat. Lalainia
