Sunday, June 25, 2017

Kindergarten Grad

Armin is all finished Kindergarten for another year!!!  He is so ready for Grade One, but will miss his two wonderful teachers. He has had two amazing years with Mrs. Kaiser and Mrs. Moore.  We celebrated this milestone with a little graduation.  Each child wore a cap and gown and walked in while Mrs. Kaiser introduced them.  Armin said he wants to be a police officer, a dad and a ninja spy! We've been watching episodes of American Ninja Warrior and now Armin is training to be a ninja warrior!! He even tied a rope to our railing and hung it down the stairs and swings on it!!!

The four kids performed two songs and did such a good job, for only having 4 in their class they sure have good lungs!!  They were then awarded with their diploma and award.  Armin was awarded the Triple A Award, Artistic, Athletic and Attitude.  He went to school with a smile on his face and always included everyone in what he was playing. The Kindergarten Board then presented the kids with a gift bag full of fun things, bubbles, a slinky, candy and a book with a bookmark!!!  We had cupcakes and fruit salad and veggies with lemonade as a refreshment.  It was over in 45 minutes and was a perfect end to an amazing kindergarten year!!!

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