Wednesday, January 30, 2019

San Diego-Marine Biology

In November Jared and Emry has the opportunity to travel to San Diego with the Champion Junior High for Marine Biology!!! They started learning about the different marine life and ecosystems of the ocean about a month before the trip so they were familiar with everything! Kathy Perley taught them and put a lot of time and effort into doing so!!! Jared won the draw for the male chaperone spot which meant he had an all expense paid trip!!!!!!

They did so much in the five days they were there! Including boogie boarding on the ocean, snorkeling, a trip to Sea World and lots of classroom time learning and dissecting creatures!!! They had a bonfire on the beach one night and played games!!! Their counsellors were excellent!!! Emry said it was funny in the mornings because their counsellors would come out all bundled up in toques and jackets and the champion kids would be in shorts and t-shirts!!!! It averaged mid twenties there so the perfect temperature!!!!

Emry loved seeing the palm trees and even hugged one! I’m so glad they got to experience this trip together! They had a blast and if they could grow any closer than they already are I’m sure they did!!!

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