Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Birthday Surprise!

The other day Myrna told me she would like to make a birthday dinner for us since she was away on my actual birthday!  It was soooooo delicious!  She made my favourite chicken dish, Chicken Cordon Bleu!  And for some reason it was extra delicious!  To make it a true birthday celebration, Myrna involved Emry! About half an hour before supper Emry came downstairs and presented me with an invitation...

When Jared got home from work Emry showed each of to our seats at the table, set by her!  She then took each of our plates so Myrna could dish them up...

Emry then presented us with a bottle of Sparkling Apple Juice, to see if it would be to our liking!

It definitely was, it was so refreshing!!

Myrna also made my favourite cake, chocolate with her amazing one can made butter icing like her!  Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me, even after the song was finished Calum would keep repeating, "Appy, to you...appy, to you...!"  We couldn't light the candles though, because for some strange and unknown reason Emry is terrified of fire.  She literally runs to another room when she sees we have a match!  I don't actually think there is anything wrong with this, it just makes celebrating birthdays a little inconvenient!

Calum was not himself this past week, he is still getting his two year molars and he has had a touch of the flu!  This is the mood we captured while eating supper that night...

It was a special birthday surprise, again I am so thankful for wonderful family!  I truly couldn't ask for a better mother in law, thank you for a wonderful birthday!


  1. That was so special for you Amber, and I am sure Myrna and Emry had fun planning it.
    It looked delicious.
    You do have great in laws and a great hubby and kids. You are a lucky girl and a brand new house to move into soon. Lucky YOu.
    Love, Aunt Sheila

  2. That is always my kids favorite to pretend we have a restaurant. I love it when they do the whole thing by themselve and I get to read until they are done. In school they can't have candles either and they give each kid a cupcake on their birthday. so they take a pretzel and dip half in chocolate then white chocolate then orange getting smaller each time. I thought that was a good idea.
