Saturday, May 14, 2011

Too Young to Be Rolling Over :(

As soon as we put him on his back he instantly rolls onto his tummy!

For some reason I have felt like the time goes by faster and faster with each child we have had!  It seemed like Calum turned two before we knew it, and now it seems like Armin is growing faster than we can blink an eye!  Armin has been trying to roll over for at least 4 weeks, and has finally gotten it over a week ago.  So trying to roll would put him at just under 4 months to now actually doing it, he is just over 5 months! 

It's hard to capture him rolling in a picture, but he is just too cute to not put these pictures on!
 Knowing this is our last baby I find time going way too quickly.  The kids and I were watching t.v. the other night and a Pampers commercial came on and of course all the babies on it were newborns, and absentmindedly I said I want one of those, Emry quickly answered with I already have one!  I told her Armin really isn't a baby anymore, she just gave me one of her looks!  I absolutely love the infant stage and it seems like all kids come out of way too fast.  I am thankful for the children I do have, and for the amazing personalities they have each developed, and I will try my best to keep them little for as long as I can!  Although, I must admit that I do also enjoy watching them grow up and witnessing the wonder in their eyes when they learn something new it truly is a rewarding experience as a parent.


  1. So you have made a final decision about no more kids it sounds like? To me that was such a great feeling. To know absolutely I was done.

  2. He looks so proud of himself - way to go Armin!

  3. He is such a cutie!!! Always so smiley. I absolutely loved seeing all of you last weekend. I especially loved holding little Armin and making him laugh.

  4. Char, it was actually the doctor who made the decision for us! Because of the blood clot I had, he said the chances of getting one again was extremely high, and when you are pregnant your risk is already high, so this puts me at an even higher risk! I still haven't accepted this decision, I still don't feel done, or ready to make that decision. But I do agree with the doctor, we have three beautiful, healthy children with a mom, and if we did have another, four children may not have a mom. I hope I can eventually find peace with this decision as of yet I haven't!
