Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The other day I told Armin to go tell Calum and Emry to get their shoes on to go into town! He looked at me and said, "Emmy and Bubba?" Smiling to myself I repeated to Armin, "Emry and Calum." And again he said "Emmy and Bubba?"

I figured out that Bubba WAS Calum!! I thought it was so adorable that Armin called Calum Bubba! I sometimes call Calum Bubba so Armin must have picked up on that, and because Calum is hard to say he decided Bubba would work just fine!! Calum thinks it is sooooo cool and will call out from time to time "Armin where's Bubba?"

1 comment:

  1. A nick name for life? He looks very happy in that picture.
