Friday, November 29, 2013

Report Cards

Emry and Calum came home with report cards yesterday and both were exceptional!!  Emry is doing very well in Grade 4, math and science seem to be her strongest subjects!  Her report card said she loves all the science vocabulary and is able to memorize it quite easily!  She is a great reader but could  work harder on her comprehension!  She participates in all activities and comes up with great brainstorming ideas!  She's quiet (HUH?) but has a very sweet and contagious giggle!  She has a new teacher this year, and was totally disappointed about it at the beginning of the year!  But Emry has come to really like Mrs. Scharez and is working consistently at a proficient grade level!  I am so proud of her and of the effort she puts into everything she does!  She is a great example to her brothers.

Calum started Kindergarten this year and I have seriously been worrying that he just wouldn't take to school like Emry has.  He is so busy and I just couldn't see him sitting still long enough to learn much of anything.  Boy was I wrong!! He loves school (once he gets on the bus!!), he too is doing exceptional!  His teacher and him have found a common groove and seem to really mesh!  He really loves to learn, though it was said in his report card that he does like to test his boundaries but if he goes too far he is always very quick to apologize!  Mrs. Kaiser said he is a very sweet, sensitive and compassionate boy, always looking out for others.  He especially likes filling everyone's imaginary bucket with kindness!  He stays focussed on the task at hand and loves reading and being read to!  At his parent teacher interview I told his teacher that I was worried that he might be one of those kids who seem to be labelled as a problem student.  She told me that she has dealt with and seen every label out there and he is most definitely not one of them!  He is like any other five year old boy, BUSY!!!  If he does get distracted he is easily able to find his focus when prompted!  I love this little man so much, though he does exasperate me at times, he also melts my heart with his sensitivity and love!  I am so proud of him too and I think he is following his sister's example!

Time sure does fly!  At supper tonight Jared asked if I could picture what meals will be like when Calum is 16?  Emry will be in College and Armin will be 14!  Crazy how much things can change in such a short time!  I love this little family we have here, even if I do yell at them from time to time (Jared informs me that I turn into Christian Bale as Batman when I yell at the kids!!) I am still very proud of them and I do love them more than words can describe!  In these quiet times at night I can refocus on the joy they bring to our home and that gives me a sense of renewal!  Parenting is hard, harder than I actually thought it was going to be and I am learning each and every day, but it also is the best source of learning I have ever encountered and without these three little spirits I truly would be a lost soul wandering aimlessly though this life of many challenges!  They keep things in perspective for me and I love them soooooooo much!