Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Year in Review

This past year has been just like many before, new challenges, lots of experiences and many wonderful memories made!  It was the first full year in our new house!  The walls have been nicked, a window was  cracked, and the carpet got stained!  But nothing that couldn't be fixed!  On top of all the minor blemishes made to our house many memories were also made!  I love that our house is "lived" in, there are however many times in the day when I wished it was more put together and polished but what fun would that be?!!

We took our little family camping this past summer, it was the first time for both our boys!  Even though we just went the few miles to Little Bow we had a blast!  Calum was terrified of the boat, which made us laugh because he is so rough and tumble!

We sold our Jeep, something that has been with us since our first year of marriage!  It was with mixed feelings we let it go!  Jared pretends to tear up every time he sees a Jeep, which I find quite humorous!

I started working at a Pharmacy in Vulcan a couple days a week and I love it!  Calum started Kindergarten and he loves it too!  Jared was called as the Primary Music Leader and after the initial shock he has come to really love teaching the children all the wonderful Primary songs!  And it shows too, because the children did an exceptional job singing for the Primary Sacrament Presentation, even with only 10 children!  Emry started Craft 4H with the hopes of going into Cattle 4H next year!  She has made some really cute Christmas decorations so far and absolutely loves it!  Armin is still tiny...though his attitude more than makes up for his littleness!  Maybe because he's the youngest he feels like he isn't being heard so he gets louder and louder and is really quite demanding!  But we love him and wouldn't change who he is for anything!  I especially love how afraid of mannequins he is!  I love taking him up to one to see his reaction of total fear!  I also love seeing the complete look for sheer terror on his face when Jared throws him up into the air!  I know we are terrible parents but there has to be some reward for the insanity these kiddos cause at times!

Christmas was lots of fun!  The kids were all so excited and still believe in the magic of Christmas!  I love seeing the wonder and excitement in their eyes!

We had a super fun New Year's Eve too!  We did the traditional movie and Chinese Food with the Puzey clan!  Though we had to go to the movie at different times to accommodate mine and Jared's work schedule that day we still all met for Chinese Food after!  We saw the movie "Frozen" and even though Calum was nervous (again, totally mind boggling!!!) he still really liked it!  The snowman made the show with his funny comments!  It is by far my favourite Disney movie!!  I can't wait until it comes out on DVD and I might just take the kids to see it again once it goes to the cheap theatre!

I am truly looking forward to what 2014 has in store for us!  I am excited to learn new things and face new challenges!  I am so thankful for what I have in my life, most especially my family!  I love Jared so much and I truly am thankful for all he does for me!  I am thankful for his friendship, his support and his guidance!  I am thankful we work together in every aspect of our lives.  I love seeing the look of total awe when he sees our children!  I love the example he is to us!  I love each of our children more than words can describe.  I love their curiosity, their love of life and their desire to do their best!  Yes, there are most definitely times when they exasperate me and I would love to just go and hide, but they teach me so much each and every day.  And after they have all fallen asleep I love to go in and watch them sleep, I love seeing how peaceful they can be!  Being a mother is truly an experience, good and bad!  But the good far outweighs the bad, I am thankful I can experience the bad so that I can learn.  Even though I am only aware of what I have learned when I look back, and not so much when I am in the moment!

I am thankful for my mom and dad!  I am thankful for all they do to give me support and show their love!  I am thankful for all they taught me growing up and for the examples they are to me now as I struggle with being a parent!  I am thankful for a mother in law who only lives across the yard!  I am thankful I have her example to guide me through the experiences of life!  I am most thankful to her for the wonderful son she raised and for the opportunity I have to raise my children with her wonderful son!

Another year gone, and a new one just beginning!  I know that whatever may come will only be as good or as bad as we make it!  So I intend to make this year a great one!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog Amber. You have a unique special, tender, way of describing your life, your hubby and your sweet children. Glad you had a wonderful christmas and new years. All the best to you all in the new year. Love you all. Love, Aunt Sheila
