Monday, July 27, 2015

Weekend with Grandpa

This past weekend my dad offered to take our kids for a couple of nights!!! It couldn't have come at a better time, I so needed a break!!! I was able to get our entire house clean before they left and enjoyed it for three full days!!!!  The kids had a great time with Grandpa, they went to a Petapolooza, rode the C-Train and the city bus. 

They rode the elevator to the top of the Calgary Tower and walked out over the glass platform to look down at the street below, and they went to see the movie Pixels!! A fun filled weekend!!! 

Walking up to the tower Calum had great big tears running down his face, he was so scared to go up the tower!! After a little coaxing and some time to get used to the idea of how high the tower was Calum warmed up and even stood on the glass platform.

 Dads friend had also gone with them with her two grandkids which was a huge hit!! Calum instantly connected with her oldest grandson who happened to be just a little older than Calum, and Emry loved her two year old grandson. Emry also really liked Deb and told her she'd like to have her as a grandma!!!!  Armin loved sitting on the glass platform and looking at all the "ants" below!!!!

The weekend was lots of fun and the stories continued right up until their eyes shut for the night!!! 

Jared and I were able to get quite a bit of work done at home while the kids were away!! We hauled bales home off one piece so we could move the cows there to graze. I mowed our yard while Jared cut the barley to bale later this week.  We went golfing in gale force winds at Keho and then enjoyed a yummy dinner at Earls!!! Sunday was quiet and I so enjoyed our church meetings without having to constantly break up little fights!! Our dinner after was yummy, we barbecued pork juicy and tender!!!! It was really quiet without the kids, almost too quiet!!! But a welcoming quiet, I desperately needed that to recharge!!! Thanks so much dad!!!!


  1. Glad everyone had a nice time. It is so great your dad does that. Bonding and building memories and you get some time with Jared. Win-win. Too bad it was blowing when you where trying to golf.

  2. Happy you could have that time to recharge. Having the house to yourself is always nice once in a while!!

  3. Heh I didn't know you were going to have that much fun!...Actually I'm glad you did,and to tell you the truth I did to! Although I did sleep 90 minutes past the alarm the next day,who knew those rascals could tire one out so much. They are perfect just the way they are:)
