Monday, March 14, 2016

Comings and Goings

Our house has stayed clean for a whole entire week!!!! Laundry is sort of caught up, but I think that is going to be an ongoing battle!!!! 

Calum went to the zoo last Monday with his Grade 1/2 class and had such a great time!! They got to do a treasure hunt around the zoo, the clues took them to certain animals!!!

Tuesday Calum woke up not feeling well, I thought maybe he was just over tired from his trip to the zoo, but when I got a call from the school I did go pick him up. He stayed home Wednesday and Thursday too, and he just seemed to get progressively worse.  His symptoms were a high fever, headache and really runny nose.  By Saturday he was coughing quite badly.  Sunday he seemed to finally be over it so he went to school today...I got another call so in I went to see how he really was, I was sure he was faking it!!! I found him with really rosy cheeks and his forehead quite warm!! Poor little dude :( so he gets to hang out with me again!!!!

Last Wednesday while Calum was sick he came to the cattle auction with me!!! We were selling some steers and heifers!!! They did pretty good, averaging over $2.00/lb!!! We have a few more steers to sell, we are just waiting for them to totally become steers :)

Friday, Calum was back at school so it was just Armin and I!!! We headed into Okotoks to pick up a dresser I got from a friend of mine!!! She restores old furniture by painting them!!!! I love what she comes up with!!! I needed something for our entryway, it is my least favourite room in our house...until now!!!! I love that our shoes aren't visible anymore and the dresser has a mirror so we can check our appearance on our way out the door.  I put a dish out for our keys, which I like so much better than the key hook!!!!

Saturday we had friends over for dinner! It was so much fun, I made chicken cordon bleu!! So yummy!! Meagan brought dessert! It was so good, and so rich!!! It was a snicker cheesecake cake!!!! The topping was snicker bars melted with butter and icing sugar!!!! Oh I wish I took a picture of it!!!! So yummy!!!!!!

Today while I was getting ready to go into the school to read with the Grade 3/4's I was putting my contacts in my eyes when I dropped the container and it rolled under the sink cabinet into the great sad to say and to no avail I wasn't able to wear my contacts :( I was trying to reach them and even got a long stick to try and get the case only to push it further back lodging it behind the plumbing tube!!!! Thankfully that pair needed to be changed a long time ago, but the case was brand new :( oh how I'd love to get laser eye surgery!!!! I hate glasses more than I hate contacts!!!! Maybe one day!!!!!

So, that is what has been happening in my exciting life.....

1 comment:

  1. Laser surgery was one of the best decisions I've made. I understand the hatred of glasses. Far worse than contacts.
