Monday, February 12, 2018


On Friday we took Emry to Calgary to have her cast changed.  Jared was able to get the day off work because the weather had turned nasty the day before and the roads had the potential of being rotten.  The roads however, were just fine.  But I am so happy he came!!  They took the splint cast off Emry and her and I both could not look at what was underneath.  Jared loved every minute of it, he took pictures for us so we could see later what it looked like with the pins.  It did hurt a little taking the cast off, I could see the pain on Emry's face!  The gauze that was under the pins was stuck with dried blood and they had to manipulate it off around the pins.  Ouch!!

It totally did not look like I was expecting it to look.  I pictured pins with teeny tiny screw heads.  But the pins were super long and curved on the top!!  The pins go through good bone into the bone graft and anchor into more good bone!  In 4 weeks at her next appointment they will change the cast again and take an X-ray.  If the pins have scooted down further into the good bone they will pull them out a tiny bit.  Jared will be coming to that appointment too, if it was just Emry and I I'm sure I'd be passed out on the floor!!

In 6 to 8 weeks from now they will likely take the pins right out.  Dr. Braurer would like to see them stay in for another 8 weeks, but if they have started to wiggle free she will take them out in 6 weeks.  I really hope they knock Emry out for that, it's going to be painful!

I am proud of how strong Emry has been, she is a real trooper.  She even manages to still help out around the house.  I love her to bits and am still very sorry I didn't take her into the doctor when she first started complaining about the pain!

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