Tuesday, June 12, 2018

President Nelson

Last week we had the opportunity to listen to President Nelson, our beloved Prophet, and his lovely wife Wendy Watson Nelson speak to the youth and their parents and leaders.  It was wonderful, very uplifting and just what I needed.

Sister Nelson showed a picture of a forest with trees standing tall then she showed a picture of a tree with lots of knots in it, a very crooked tree, and said this was how she felt among the trees that were standing tall and asked if we too ever felt that way.  She said to stop comparing ourselves to others.  She then asked what were we born to do?  She answered saying with the Lord's help we can do anything.  I enjoyed her talk so much, she is an amazing woman so full of the spirit.

President Nelson was powerful, I could feel his love for ME radiating through the television!  He talked about Joseph Smith being a True Prophet of God, and said if any of us lack wisdom to do as Joseph did and ask of God.  We need to ask in the name of Jesus Christ to guide us and by doing so we will have all the directions we will ever need in our life and we will feel joy and peace!  He challenged us to do 5 things that will change us and the world.

1. Disengage from Social Media (Seven day Social Media fast).
2. Weekly sacrifice of time to the Lord (three weeks).
3. Keep on the Covenant Path.
4. Pray daily for all to receive the blessings of the gospel.
5. Stand out, be different and be a light.

And then just one week later we got to hear from President Nelson and Sister Nelson again at a Southern Alberta wide broadcast!  They visited Edmonton, Calgary and Raymond.  We were fortunate enough to be able to see them speak in Raymond via television!  We also had the opportunity to hear from Elder Rasband and his wife who were both wonderful!  Sister Rasband talked about being obedient, she told a cute story of when she came into a meeting late and as she looked around for a seat her eye caught President Nelson's.  He pointed to a seat right in the front row and smiled at her, she smiled back and gently shook her head no!  He persisted by motioning with his finger to come she was reluctant but eventually gave in and made it to the front of the meeting room.  She likened it to being obedient to the Lord.  We are sometimes reluctant to obey but as we obey we will be blessed.

Elder Rasband spoke a lot about President Nelson and how he was given the reassurance that he needed from the Lord that he truly is a prophet of God.  He challenged each of us to get that same reassurance if we haven't already done so.  So powerful...

Sister Nelson spoke a lot about her personal life with the Prophet.  She talked about inspiration from the Holy Ghost and what a blessing it can be in our lives.  She said to have pictures on the walls of our ancestors, and of the temple!!!  She talked of our sacred lineage.

President Nelson was the final speaker and he was amazing.  I enjoyed every minute of him speaking, I wished he didn't stop!  I felt so enlightened.  He is a very spiritual man and I am so grateful he is our Prophet who will lead and guide us during these last days.  For being 93 years old he knows the world, he knows the challenges we are facing and what we need to do to overcome those challenges.  I felt like he knew me, and my challenges and he was speaking directly to me, I could literally feel his love for ME, as I am sure many others could too!!  He spoke about the Book of Mormon and how it can bless our lives. 

I am so thankful I got to listen to him speak two weeks in a row.  I needed a little pick me up and I'm happy I didn't have to wait until conference in October.  I feel blessed to have had this opportunity and uplifted and ready to take on whatever challenges may come.

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