Tuesday, June 5, 2018

What's Been Happening

Emry passed her Learner's test in May and has been driving everywhere when we get into the vehicle!!  It took her a couple of tries but when she did finally pass it she aced the test!!!  She is such a responsible young woman who wants to please everyone!!!  Hmmmm!!! Reminds me of someone else I once knew!!!

Emry did very well at her Junior High Track meet, which was held in Vulcan!  She placed second in discus and was able to move onto the zone competition, which were in Lethbridge!!  We had a little bit of trouble finding where zones were being held and finally after much adventure of driving around the University and with the help and guidance of Mr. Jackson on the phone we found the place with 15 minutes to spare!!  She did her best but out of the 18 girls competing she didn't make it into the top 8!  We had fun together, and lots of laughs, I love hanging out with my girl!

Calum has had a horrible mop top with his hair, in fact I would tease him that I was going to use his head to mop the floor!!!  When styled it didn't look too bad but let's face it what 9 year old is going to style his hair?!?!  It was always hanging down into eyes and just looked terrible!  Jared was able to cut the sides and that helped but it still wasn't great!  Finally, after much pleading from us and many tears from him Jared got the job done!  He has such a handsome face and his eyes are really quite stunning!!!  After he looked at himself in the mirror he did say he hated his dad for ruining his hair but I think he likes it now that he's gotten used to it!!!

Before (though its been styled, you can see how long it was in the front!!)


The Champion Grade 9 Grad was last Friday and the Grade 8 class is responsible for serving and cleaning up after the banquet!  A friend of mine and the mom of Emry's best friend was in charge of the dinner and decorating!  She had asked me if I would be able to help in the kitchen and make 2 angel food cakes!  Well I remembered about the helping part but totally forgot about the angel food cakes.  It wasn't until I saw others with their cakes that I remembered!  I felt horrible!!  Luckily I had time to run to Vulcan where they sell premade angel food cakes.  All turned out well and the crisis was averted!!!  The meal turned out great, the Grade 8's did an excellent job serving and cleaning up.  Emry stayed for the dance and had an okay time.  She was asked to dance by her best friend Cale and her cousin Gilbert!!  She felt a little left out when all the kids were taking pictures and she wasn't included.  She is just so shy I think that makes her easily forgotten!  Or she's too nice and offers to take the picture instead of being in it!  But she did have fun for the most part, it's hard being a teenage girl and she's doing pretty amazing if you ask me!!

Jared was able to fix one of the other quads we have laying around the farm!!  So the kids took them out for a spin to see how well he had fixed it!!  They had a blast, and I found this gem of a picture on my phone!!  Such sweet boys and even sweeter when they get along!!

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