Thursday, October 28, 2010

Obsessed with Toy Story!

Since Calum was about a year old we have tried and failed miserably to take the kids to the odd movie at the big theatre!  Emry loves the experience, Calum is just too young!  I usually see all the coming attractions about the first 10 minutes of the actual movie and the last 10 minutes!  Calum and I would end up walking around the lobby or empty theatres!  That is until we took them to Toy Story 3 on Canada Day!  He actually sat through the entire movie!  The next day I dug out David and Myrna's Toy Story 1 and 2 on video cassette to see if he would like these as well!  It turns out he did!  Some weeks we would watch it everyday, and if not everyday we could expect to watch it at least twice a week!  Whenever he wants to watch it he grabs the case and says "Budz, Woodsy...Wheeze?"  He has the cutest little voice it is so hard not to give in!  Thank goodness mommy and daddy got a little tip from Santa, he is going to bring Calum either the Buzz or Woody doll for Christmas and we will get him the other!  It is hard to say who is his favourite because when they come on the show Calum is equally excited about both of them!  I am also thankful the Toy Story 3 DVD is coming out next week, a great stocking stuffer for the little man!

When he sees that I am putting the movie in for him, he runs to the couch, covers himself up with the blanket and lays back against the pillow!  It is so cute!  He doesn't stay on the couch the entire time, he usually ends up playing with his "broom, broom babies!"  But he is captivated for the entire show!

1 comment:

  1. Those dolls are so cute!! What a lucky boy he is going to be on Christmas morning. I am excited my little family is going to be there this year. I can't wait to see his little face!!
