Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year Fondue Style!

Instead of sticking with the traditional Puzey family New Year's celebration, going out for Chinese food, Jared and I decided to stay home with the kids!  The main reason was because we didn't want to wrestle with Calum to stay in his chair while we tried to enjoy our food!  My sister watched Emry and Calum during the day while I went to a funeral with Myrna and ran to Lethbridge to pick up our new dining room table!  To thank Arren and Buck for watching our little rug rats, we invited their family over for fondue!

The spread!

This is how we found Armin while we enjoyed our fondue!

Buck and Arren got two really nice fondue sets for their wedding so we used one for chocolate and the other for cheese!  It turned out really good, and even the kids loved it!  Once the kids had enough the four of us adults hung around the food until it was mostly gone!  After Arren and Buck left, around 9, we put the kids to bed and Jared and I watched "Knight and Day", finishing in time for us to ring in the New Year right at midnight!  It was a great way to bring in the new year and a great start to 2011!  Hopefully this year is a little less eventful with fewer surprises!  We wish all our family and friends a very happy new year and hope it is full of much love and joy!


  1. Your fondue looked delicious - yum!!

  2. I heard Knight and Day is awesome. I can't wait to see it. We did miss you at Chinese tho.
