Friday, August 19, 2011

The Cute Things Kids Say!

Last night when I was putting Calum to bed I was asking him questions about his day!  I asked him if he had fun at swimming lessons, he said, "Simming fun!"  He seems to have this obsession with what signs say and at the pool there are two doors in the ladies bathroom that have signs on them that say "Do Not Use This Door!"  After most of the summer of Calum asking what these signs say he now points at them and says "Don't use this door."  One of the signs is written and decorated with nice colors and soft bubble type letters while the other one is not very colorful and the letters are written in jagged type block letters.  The door with the more colorful sign Calum calls a happy door, the other one he calls a mean door!  There is also a sign behind the Lifeguards station with a girls head inside a circle with a line through it, the girls mouth is open wide like she is screaming or yelling.  Calum's inquisitive eye spotted this picture and instantly aksed, "What that say?"  I told him it didn't say anything but that it told us not to scream or yell while at the pool.  We went through his "what you say again" question at least a dozen times before he finally understood!  Actually I told him that the sign says no screaming or he would get a needle in his bum!  This seemed to apease his questioning and brought a sly little smile to his face! 

Back to putting him to bed last night!  I asked him about his lessons and after he said swimming was fun he couldn't take his little mind off all the signs at the pool.  He told me that behind the doors in the ladies changeroom are lions, a happy lion and a monster lion.  I asked him what the monster lion says and he said ROOOAAARRRR!  When I aksed him if the happy lion roars too he said, "No happy yion say Heelllooo!"  I laughed out loud because it was so unexpected.  I think the reason he thinks there are lions behind those doors is because when you first come into the pool you have to take your shoes off and leave them in the little cubbies, this area also leads to the ice rink in the winter but is all blocked off for the summer.  Anyway, when you are in this entry and you look up you can see a sign that must have been decorated for a parade many years ago, it says Champion Lions.  For some odd reason Calum spotted this dusty very faded sign weeks ago and asked me what it says.  Now every time we go swimming and we take off our shoes he says Champion Yions! 

He is so cute and I love putting him to bed at night just in case there is a chance that he will say something cute in a totally candid and innocent way!  I love all my children so much and I remember Emry being the same way at that age!  Their little minds are working overtime and the thoughts that come into them are all new so they have to process what they mean!  I love in the scriptures how it says we need to become like little children if we want to enter the kingdom of heaven.  Well I totally understand why, children have such an innocence about them that makes them pure!  If only our minds didn't become so literal becoming like a little child would be so much easier!  The greatest blessing in my life is having three of the most beautiful children and being able to share their antics with my very best friend by my side!  When I look back over the past seven years I have forgotten many of the moments that have stressed me out or left me feeling completely defeated, the times of pure delight and fulfillment stand out very vividly in my mind!  This stage of my life truly is very rewarding and I am so thankful for what I have and where I am at each and every day!

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