Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wait Half an Hour Before Swimming?!

Tuesday night we had a Ward BBQ and Swimming party!  It was so much fun and very well attended!  Since there is not a Ward Activities Committee anymore each auxiliary takes a turn to host a ward activity! In June we went on the hike down to the Carmangay Train Bridge, put on by the Elder's Quorum, last month was the Pioneer Potluck and games, hosted by the Young Women's, and this month the BBQ and swimming was put on by the Young Men's!  The pool wasn't able to be rented until after public swim was finished so it was decided to have the BBQ first!  I think there were some concerned people because of the tell tale adage that you have to wait at least 30 minutes before you can swim!  However, it wasn't much of a concern when the pool was packed to capacity!!

Jared needed me to go to Lethbridge to get all the food, and because we have had a little bit of a family emergency this past week I gained a child, a two year old boy to be exact!  The only day that would work for me to get all the food was Monday afternoon after the kids swimming lessons, so I loaded up our three kids plus little Liam and we headed to Lethbridge, thankfully we only had to go to Costco!  They were all so good, I couldn't believe I didn't lose one or all for that matter!  I did notice a few "I feel sorry for you" looks, two boys the same age, a eight month old and a seven year old!  Thankfully I had Emry there to help me, she pushed a cart with Liam in it, and I pushed Calum and Armin, we went straight to the books and let the boys each pick one out that they could look at while we got all the supplies, this kept them busy and before we knew it we were on our way home!

Anyway, to get back to the party!  There was lots of food and I think we only ran out of pickles and cheese at the very end, so I think everyone got all the fixings for their first burger!  Jared was so proud of how efficient he was at the BBQ, no one had to wait for a burger!  We had our picnic at the Lion's Campground camp kitchen right in the town of Champion, and there were a lot of people there, lots of extended family members to the ward members!  Dave and Char and their kids came up from Coalhurst, and of course Lalainia and her boys were there too.  My mom came over with Gilbert, Lily, Owen and Maryssa as well.  After the BBQ we all headed over to the Champion Pool, there were lots of spectators as well.  Emry and Leah were no where to be seen as usual, Calum stuck pretty close to Jared and they spent the entire hour going off the diving board!  Calum is so fun to watch go off the diving board, he gets a running start and just propels himself off with pure delight spread across his face.  Jared was fun to watch too, he was doing all sorts of cool dives.  Some of the younger boys from our ward spent the entire hour in the pool waiting in anticipation to see what Jared would do next!  One dive Jared did was especially awesome to these boys, he would run and launch himself off the board, arms and legs spread like he was going to do a belly flop and at the last second he would tuck into a dive and glide smoothly into the water!  He also did upside down cannonballs, twisted flips and regular flips!  I am not sure if he was the show stopper or if it was Calum and his wild man jumps into the pool, either way they were both fun to watch!  I had to get out a little earlier than everyone else because Armin was shivering to death!  He loves the water as much as Emry and Calum however he can only handle about half an hour! When we first get in he kicks his little legs and splashes with his arms and smiles the whole time!

It was such a fun night, I love the Champion Ward, I truly feel like we are all just one big family!  I was so happy to be able to share that part of my life with my mom too.  This community truly is the best place in the world and I would never wish to move, raising our children here truly is a blessing in disguise, I look forward to the many activities yet to come and the bonds we will continue to strengthen with those around us!

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