Saturday, April 14, 2012


Calum says the cutest things sometimes, ALL the time!  The other day at supper he had the sweetest little grin on his face and I said to him, "You may look like a little angel but you're mostly a little devil!"  He laughed and replied with, "I is a angel, maybe just a little devil!"  And his precious little grin again!

Last night Myrna watched the kids while Jared and I made a trip to Calgary to pick up the last piece of our arborite for the kitchen counter tops.  While we were gone there was a freak thunder and lightning storm.  Both Calum and Emry were scared, so Myrna sat between them on the couch in her sitting room while they tried to fall asleep.  When a huge flash lit up the room Calum asked what that was, Grandma told him is was just lightning.  After a little while Calum says, "Oh, Yightning Mceen!" (Lightning McQueen, from the Cars movie!)  Thinking about a scary light as his favourite car made all the difference to him and he soon fell fast asleep!

Lately he will be playing something and he will say to me, "Mama, you say...!"  So I will say what he wants me to and then he will answer me back.  While we were in the city today we went to McDonald's for lunch and he got a pair of Green Lantern glasses in his happy meal.  While we were driving to Home Depot he would say, "Mama, ask Green Lantern where his phone is."  So I would ask and he would answer with, "It disappeared, a bad guy took it, and now I be sad."  The next thing he told me to ask was, "Mama, tell Green Lantern to get the bad guy car."  So again I asked him!  This time he answered with, "Oh, I can't he too far away, I can't reach him!"  Jared thought this was funny since he was supposed to be a super hero, when Jared called him on it, Calum put up his little arm and pretended to shoot the bad guy car and said, "Oh, never mind, I got him!"

We sure love our little boys, and Armin is proving to be just like Calum in every way!!  We love the balance Emry brings to this little family of boys.  Even when her attitude and sassiness gets to be a little too much, she still manages to make Jared and I smile!  We love our children so much and even if at times we may think it, we never really would sell, give them to the zoo!!

One thing I want to write down before I completely forget it...

The other day while Cora, Leah and Blake were here Cora said, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels", which I have heard before.  But Leah answered with, "No, everything tastes better than skinny feels!"  I loved this, I thought is was so funny yet, so true!  Cora said that Leah always has to say the opposite of what she says!  I did think it truly was classic!  We were eating super yummy cupcakes that Myrna had made for dessert one night after supper, so it truly was fitting!

1 comment:

  1. So fun to share the funny little things kids say - Love the superhero conversations!
