Monday, April 30, 2012


This past weekend our carpet was installed and it looks truly amazing!!!!  I can't believe how much it changes the appearance of the house, and how finished it now looks!  We had a little problem with the original carpet we ordered, it had dried out and we were told that it really would not lay nice so it was off to Calgary to pick out a new one!  The very first sample he showed me is the one I went with, very different from the original one we ordered over three years ago!  It turns out that this new colour suits our house perfectly and it really blends nicely with the paint colours and has such a warm tone.  We vacuumed it and even moved some furniture in.  Now if only we can get the plumber to be as quick!!  Jared and I sat over there for a good hour after the kids were asleep, it was so nice to sit in a quiet house just enjoying the beauty of all Jared has created with his hands!  I will be taking pictures so stay tuned!!