Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Catch Up Day

I wasn't scheduled to work today so I am using it to catch up on somethings at home and spend time with my sweet little boys!  The weather is still gorgeous so we may have to go outside for a little while!  Miraculously, the house has stayed clean so I just need to do the usual weekly cleaning...laundry, bathrooms, dusting and mopping!  I also need to make cookies for the Kub Kar Rally on Saturday.  But other than these minor tasks I am excited to be home.  As I am sitting here typing this I can hear Armin has woken up and Calum is laying in his bed with him and they are talking!  They really are good pals, they have fun together no matter what they are doing!  Even though WE can't understand Armin that well, Calum really seems to be able to and they have these cute conversations!

I have enjoyed my first week of work, I have really learned a lot.  It is nice being able to use my brain in a different way!  The creation of man really is quite amazing to me, and I can't imagine how some believe we have evolved into what we are, there is just too much detail in each individual...I know without a doubt that the only way we could have been created is by someone who is just like us.  Wow!  Totally off topic, but the thought just came and the next thing I knew I was writing it out!

I got up this morning while Jared was out feeding cows to make his lunch and his usual morning smoothie.  When he came in I handed him his loot and he said he was sad that I wasn't coming with him this morning.  It made me feel super special that he would miss those 20 minutes in the car with me!  I sure love him and I am so thankful for the husband, friend and father he is.  He works hard yet he is still able to spend time with us.  I look forward to my 20 minutes of complete alone time with him too and I look forward to tomorrow morning!


  1. You are so nice. I never get up to make Dave breakfast. 6 is to early to eat for me. Enjoy your day.
