Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Working Girl

An opportunity for me to start working away from home came up and after much thought Jared and I decided it was the right thing to do. I asked if the local Pharmacy was looking to hire anyone last September and the pharmacy manager said she would be looking for someone in January. Well January came and went, but she approached me one day that month and said she was getting things ready to have me start in March if I was still interested. I told her Jared and I needed to crunch some numbers and look into child care for the boys. Once we had everything lined up on our end I told her I was super interested!! I started my first day this morning at 9:00 am, and I loved every minute of it!! Even with it being my first day I was able to find the proper medication to fill dossets, as well as other patient prescriptions (don't worry, EVERYTHING is checked by the pharmacist!!). I also helped customers at the till and put away stock that came in! The day went by quite quickly and when 6:00 pm came I walked out to the parking lot where I was greeted by my very best friend in a nice warm car!! I think the absolute best part about me taking this job is being able to spend some much needed adult time with Jared in the car on the way to work and on the way home!! We have adult conversations and I can actually hear every word he says, there aren't any interruptions by loud little boys either!! I missed the boys today, and I know that will only get worse, but I also enjoyed the change! I will be working three days a week with the occasional fourth!! I am excited to increase my knowledge and help with our family finances! It will be a wonderful experience and I am looking forward to the months ahead! After much thought, Jared and I know I wouldn't have been able to do this without the willing help from our family! My mom and Jared's mom have both unselfishly offered to watch the kids while I am at work. It makes it a long day for them without the freedom to do what they want or even what they need to do. But we are so thankful for them and their willingness to help us out! I am also grateful for my dad and for offering to take the boys when he is in between trips! This will be a great adventure for us all and I am so thankful for all those willing to help!!


  1. Happy you had a good first day!

  2. Was happy to read this Amber. Good luck on your job. Nice that you have a mom and mother in law to help you out with the children. Enjoy the job and extra money.
    Love, Aunt Sheila
