Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Five Years Old

Yesterday was Calum's 5th Birthday!  I cannot believe that he is 5, honestly I never thought the day would come that he would be in school so I could have a bit of a break from the constant going!  But now that he is in school, I cannot believe it!  He truly has a special place in my heart and the way he is with me is quite different from the way he is with others!  He is a sensitive, caring, and generous little boy!  He gets embarrassed easily, if his eyes tear up in public because he is upset he shakes his head back and forth trying to get rid of his tears.  For the past three years when we sing happy birthday to him he covers his eyes!  Although last night when it was just our family singing he didn't hide his eyes!

Because we had his birthday party a little over a week ago he wasn't going to have any presents to open on his actual birthday, kind of a bummer, especially for a kid!  So I did pick up a super hero book of mazes and some markers, Grandma Puzey gave him an activity book, some stickers and chocolate money (which he thought was so cool!), and then Calum's Primary teacher gave him a present!  So he did very well!  When he opened Sister Jackson's present and saw that is was Lego he was ecstatic!  He screamed out, "BUILDING LEGO, COOL!"  We had his favourite meal, hot dogs!  And for his dessert we had cookies and cream cupcakes!  What a special boy!

I also took cupcakes into his Kindergarten class earlier in the day.  He was so excited to have me there and it was really neat to see him in action!  I was amazed at how well he did, he always listened intently and did what he was asked to do without a fight!  He was helpful and kind to the other kids, all the things I knew he could be, but until you see it you always wonder if your children actually do practice what is taught at home!  I was pretty pleased!  The class sang happy birthday to him, through which he kept his eyes tightly covered!  Then he passed a cupcake to each member of his class!  Armin and I went out for recess with his class and when we came back in we were able to watch a magic show with Calum and the rest of the kids in the entire school!  This particular magician travels from school to school and delivers a motivational type message while incorporating magic tricks.  He used to be a teacher himself!  His show lasted for an hour and I was so impressed with how well the kids sat through it!  Calum was totally into it, especially when he made a rabbit appear and a dove!  After the show I walked Calum back to his classroom to get ready for the last recess of the day!  I walked him out to the playground and from there Armin and I left!  It was a great day, especially since Calum was treated to a magic show on his birthday, and we didn't even have to pay for it!!  Happy Birthday to a vey sweet and special boy!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Calum! Cute pictures of him with his little class!!
