Friday, May 27, 2016

Laid to Rest

Yesterday we gathered with family near and far to celebrate the life of my Grandma Mary, a very dear woman.  Her service was just perfect, a real tribute to a life lived by a woman of great faith.  I thought it was so neat how when cleaning out my Grandma's room, my mom and aunts came across index cards written out by my Grandma herself of her journey through a life of faith.  My Auntie Di read this as her eulogy, with her own thoughts added appropriately throughout.  Such a neat way to deliver a eulogy and so special that it was in the words of my Grandma.

The music that was sung for the service too was perfect.  A medley was sung starting with "Jesus Loves Me"and this couldn't have been more fitting, as it reminded me of when Grandma Mary would sing it to me when I was a little girl.  The whole service was beautiful, the pastor did a wonderful job bringing peace and comfort to all of us in attendance.

After, on our way to the car, we stopped to snap a picture of our perfect little family.  I sure love my family, even when I feel so totally depleted.  Those little arms around my neck saying I love you Mommy bring everything back into focus and I am reminded of the privilege it is to be a mother.  Remembering the unconditional love of my Grandma that day truly helped in reminding me what my purpose here on earth love and care for those around me and make them feel special each and everyday!


Grandma is now laid to rest next to her best friend, the love of her life.  She will be missed but she is in a better place full of joy and peace, she is suffering no more.  I will always cherish the memories I have of her and keep the love she showed me close to my heart.

1 comment:

  1. It was a beautiful funeral. A great tribute to your grandma.
