Tuesday, May 31, 2016

We're Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo...

Yesterday I was able to go to the Zoo with Armin's Kindergarten class.  The weather was a little cool, but just right to see some of the animals a little more active.  My dad was able to meet us there and I had a really nice visit with him while Armin wandered up ahead with his friends. Armin wasn't nearly as entertaining in the Dinosaur Park this year as he was last year, they didn't seem to bother him at all when they made noises and moved.  Bummer :( for me!!!  It gives me a slight sense of satisfaction to see terror on my kids face...call me crazy!!!!

 His favourite parts were the penguins, the hippo and the bats (I think only because the bats would still hang by their hands and then pee....he found that hilarious, as only little boys would!!)  We sure tired those kids out, we walked a total of 6km, perhaps more for the little guys since they also played on the playground after lunch for at least 45 minutes.  The only animal I took a picture of was the rhino, and only because I hadn't really looked that closely at a rhino before, they really are a strange animal, but like a hippo can run up to 40km/hour.  Amazing for how big they are.  He looked like he really was wearing armor, like someone had dressed him when he got up that morning!!

It was a great day and made even better because I got to spend it with my favourite little 5 year old!!!

1 comment:

  1. I had a great time with you guy's as well!
