Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Witching Hour and Relaxation!

Last night while I was on the couch feeding Armin, at around 3 or 3:30ish in the wee hours of the morning, I hear the latch on Calum's door close.  He does this every night, he always wakes up between 2:30 and 4:30 and crawls into bed with us.  Well, this morning was no exception, I heard his door close and then the pitter patter of his little feet running down the hallway only this time they stopped short!  Going by the couch he realized I was there with Armin, he asked what I was doing and I told him I was feeding Armin, he patted his head and then left.  I assumed he had continued on to our room to crawl into bed with Jared, I had all the lights off and couldn't see very well, it doesn't help either that I have a really hard time making out any shapes in the dark.  When I got up to put Armin back in his bed I was having trouble getting off the couch, it was like something heavy had been put on the blanket and I couldn't lift my legs out from under it.  When I finally did get free this is what I found...

I honestly believe that Calum sleep walks, and these pictures seem to confirm my belief.  He was so tired he didn't even make it onto the couch to sleep, he just laid his little head down on the seat of the couch and that was it.  This is why I think he is a sleep walker, he always comes out of his room around the same time each night, and when he climbs into bed with us it is always very robotic, he makes no noise and doesn't complain at all, he just crawls in between us and before his head hits the pillow it seems like he is fast asleep.  I have never minded getting up with our kids in the middle of the night, I wouldn't say though that I am ecstatic or even very chipper but it is not something that bothers me, and last night was no different, maybe a little sweeter, the icing on the cake perhaps, Calum truly made me giggle when I saw his little body bent over the couch in the wee hours of the morning, probably a rare occurrence for many of us that early in the morning!

The relaxation part of this post happened while we were at Arren's this afternoon!  Armin has been so out of sorts this past week, I think he might finally be getting teeth!  He will lay against my chest or on my shoulder and moan like he is in extreme pain.  Today at Arren's he didn't seem to want anything to do with me, he wasn't interested in nursing or sleeping.  And I am not implying that he was cranky or inconsolable, because even with his teeth hurting him he is still all smiles and giggles.  What he did seem to want more than anything was to sit on his favourite Auntie's lap while she glided back and forth in her wheelchair!  Twice he looked so completely relaxed!

When we got home from Arren's Calum wanted to watch Wall-e, we got home about 15 minutes before Emry got off the bus and he was sitting watching it when Emry came home.  She came downstairs where we were watching the show, I talked to her about her day at school and then I got up to put Armin in his bed for a little nap.  When I looked over at Calum concerned because he hadn't acknowledged that Emry was home, I soon knew the answer as to why he was being so cool!  He was fast asleep!  Little stinker, tonight will be a long night, but he did have a big day playing with Lily so I am sure he is exhausted!


  1. I remember Blake getting up and climbing in my bed for a long time. I finally was like no more. It took me about 5 nights of taking him back a couple of times before he would stay. I do not like getting up and I was a little cranky that week. How is your sister? Has she got more x-rays yet?

  2. I know I'm a little late responding to this post (I actually, just saw it!) Love your updates! Hopefully Armin has a tooth or two by now! Arren looks good in these pics and hopefully, is coming along well. Miss you!
